WP3 has four (4) main objectives:
- To utilise laboratory, large scale experiments using bulk samples from respective mining areas (Romania, Slovenia, Poland) to improve the understanding of the underground coal gasification process at different reagent, coal type, pressure and temperature conditions for upscaling to field scale UCG operations
- To perform test drilling at a selected sites in the Oltenia basin to improve the site specific data base e.g. by geophysical logging of test drills and to acquire site specific samples for further testing:
- To carry out additional lab testing of drill samples
- To evaluate options for different end uses of the produced gas through testing different reagents under different pressure conditions
WP3 tasks (lead partner in brackets)
Task 3.1 Preparation and characterization of coal bulk samples from active mining areas (GIG)
Task 3.2 Large scale gasification tests on selected coal bulk samples (GIG)
Task 3.3 Test drilling at selected sites (CEO)
Task 3.4 Logging of test drills (DMT)
Task 3.5 Lab testing of drill samples (CERTH)
Partners involved in WP3:
- PV