COAL2GAS final workshop
The international workshop on “Enhanced Coal Exploitation through Underground Coal Gasification in European Lignite Mines” was organized by ISPE, Romania at Casa Universitarilor, in Craiova, Dolj County, Romania on June 27, 2017. The workshop addressed all issues related to COAL2GAS … Continue reading →
The University of Banja Luka, Mining Faculty Prijedor and the International Coordination Committee of Balkan Mining Congress, are launching the invitation for attendance and participation at the VIIth Balkanmine with the motto “Balkan mining for the friendship and progress” on … Continue reading →
2017 ICCP Meeting in Romania
69th Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP) will be held in September 3-9, 2017, Bucharest, Romania. The meeting is organized under the auspices of the Romanian Academy, by the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest and by the University … Continue reading →
The International Fair of Mining, Power Industry and Metallurgy
International Fair of Mining, Power Industry and Metallurgy is accompanied by numerous international conferences and symposiums, which representatives of European Commission, Polish government, International Energy Agency, World Mining Congress and European science participate in. The next edition of the International Fair … Continue reading →
Mining in Europe – 2nd International Conference
From June 7th to 8th , 2017, the 2nd International Conference Mining in Europe was held successfully in Aachen, Germany. The Conference brought together over 200 participants from all over the world to share the latest developments on mining expertise, activities, developments and … Continue reading →
25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey
The 25th International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey will be held on April 11-14, 2017. In this congress, a wide range of valuable specialists, scientists and industry representatives from various countries will attend, present and discuss recent technologies and production … Continue reading →
World Clean Coal Conferences 2017
World Clean Coal Conference is the series events in response to the new challenges and opportunities facing clean coal industry worldwide. By introducing the leading coal companies, power utilities, oil & gas companies, chemical and fertilizer producers’ innovative experiences, addressing … Continue reading →
International Freiberg Conference 2016 – Cologne, Germany
Following the successful conclusion of the 2015 conference in Huhhot (Inner Mongolia, China), the 8th International Freiberg Conference will once again be back in Germany. The upcoming conference will be taking place from 12-16 June 2016 in Cologne, which is … Continue reading →
The 13th WEC CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE REGIONAL ENERGY FORUM – FOREN 2016 with the main topic: „Safe and Sustainable Energy for the Region” will be held in Vox Maris Grand Resort, Costinesti, Romania, during 12-16 June 2016. Organized every two years, FOREN is already being recognized as … Continue reading →
World Clean Coal Conference 2016
The Conference is supported by government agencies and major shareholders of clean coal and coal gasification projects in Indonesia. This timely event will bring together key Indonesian and global coal miners, gas users, technology providers, investors, financiers and related government … Continue reading →