COAL2GAS 1st project workshop
All partners’ countries attended the 1st COAL2GAS workshop hosted by Most Coal Engineering SPRL - MCE its Liège office (13, rue Wiertz), Belgium on May 11, 2015. The workshop was part of Work Package 4, Task 4.2 and addressed the following topic: “Definition of the optimum UCG configuration, selection of process operations and monitoring techniques for the pre-selected site(s) in Oltenia coalfield”.
The event was organized by MCE at its headquarter and was chaired by dr. Marc Mostade, from MCE. WP4 entitled “Panel and Well Design & Engineering for Integrity and Safety / Surface Plant Assessment” is coordinated by MCE. Task 4.2: Selection of suitable process operation and monitoring techniques (MCE) includes this first project event.
For additional information please see the press release.